Cleveland State University - Music Dept.
See the Keyboard area information at Cleveland State University. Scholarships available for qualified students regardless of major.
Cleveland State University Faculty Profile
See Angelin Chang´s faculty profile at the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences., Angelin Chang Biography
View Angelin Chang´s Biography on titled, ¨Contemporary Pianos.¨
OV Guide, Angelin Chang Video & Interviews
Biography: Angelin Chang is a Grammy award-winning classical pianist and professor of music at Cleveland State University.
February 8, 2014
Seattle University School of Law, Angelin Chang Gives Recital
Angelin Chang is a colleague of our visiting faculty member, Tayyeb Mahmud, at Cleveland State. Professor Chang performed a short piano recital for the School of Law on Friday, September 5, in conjunction with a reception.
Indiana University Bloomington, Jacobs School of MusicAlumna Angelin Chang (M.M. ’92) elected Vice President of The Recording Academy, the Grammy organization
The Keyboard Wellness Seminar, Angelin Chang Faculty
Internationally acclaimed pianist Angelin Chang is the first American female and the first pianist of Asian heritage to be awarded the GRAMMY® for Best Instrumental Soloist with orchestra.
Great Lakes Sports and Entertainment Law Academy Faculty
Internationally acclaimed pianist Angelin Chang is the first American female and the first pianist of Asian heritage to be awarded the GRAMMY® for Best Instrumental Soloist with orchestra.
Cleveland State University Music Department, Angelin Chang
Professor, Applied Piano; Coordinator, Keyboard Studies